HEERF Reporting

Quarterly Reports

March 2022 Student Emergency Fund Report

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSSA) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Acts, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges additional funds were awarded for Student Emergency Assistance. Hawkeye will receive $884,524 from CRRSSA and $4,148,936 from ARP under the HEERF student portion. The College intends to use the funds to provide at least the mandated minimum $5,033,460 in relief funds for emergency financial aid grants to students. In total, $4,244,944.33 of those funds have been awarded to students with $106,135.70 distributed to 57 students during the quarter ended March 31, 2022. An estimated 9,668 students at Hawkeye were potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants during this period. Grants were awarded to students deemed most in need who requested assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System. To reach students most in need of assistance, Hawkeye identified students who would have been eligible for the Gap tuition Assistance Program (GAP) or Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) support but did not receive it due to insufficient funding for those programs. The GAP and PACE award amounts were based on the normal qualifying expenses under these programs. Students needing additional assistance were referred to the appropriate department for help, such as the Financial Aid Office to work through the financial aid application process or Student Services to discuss community resources and other supports available.

December 2021 Student Emergency Fund Report

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSSA) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Acts, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges additional funds were awarded for Student Emergency Assistance. Hawkeye will receive $884,524 from CRRSSA and $4,148,936 from ARP under the HEERF student portion. The College intends to use the funds to provide at least the mandated minimum $5,033,460 in relief funds for emergency financial aid grants to students. In total, $4,138,898.63 of those funds has been awarded to students with $78,197.05 distributed to 62 students during the quarter ended December 31, 2021. An estimated 9,266 students at Hawkeye were potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants during this period. Grants were awarded to students deemed most in need who requested assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System. To reach students most in need of assistance, Hawkeye identified students who would have been eligible for the Gap tuition Assistance Program (GAP) or Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) support but did not receive it due to insufficient funding for those programs. The GAP and PACE award amounts were based on the normal qualifying expenses under these programs. Students needing additional assistance were referred to the appropriate department for help, such as the Financial Aid Office to work through the financial aid application process or Student Services to discuss community resources and other supports available.

October 2021 Student Emergency Fund Report

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSSA) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Acts, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges additional funds were awarded for Student Emergency Assistance. Hawkeye will receive $884,524 from CRRSSA and $4,148,936 from ARP under the HEERF student portion. The College intends to use the funds to provide at least the mandated minimum $5,033,460 in relief funds for emergency financial aid grants to students. In total, $4,060,701.58 of those funds has been awarded to students with $2,870,807.72 distributed to 1,482 students during the quarter ended September 30, 2021. An estimated 9,266 students at Hawkeye were potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants during this period. Grants were awarded to students requesting assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System. Initial awards provided in response to student requests for assistance during this period were capped at $1,500 per student in the summer semester and $2,000 per student in the fall semester. Potentially eligible students received an email and text message advising them of HEERF Emergency Assistance grant funds and additional guidance was placed on the College website with an application form. In addition, to reach students most in need of assistance, Hawkeye identified students who were eligible for but did not receive Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) awards due to an insufficient Federal allocation, as well as a special outreach to students with an outstanding bill who had not yet registered for fall classes the week prior to the semester’s start. The SEOG backfill award amounts were based on the normal allocation under the SEOG program and the award amounts for students not yet registered for fall were based on the amount of their outstanding bill. Students needing additional assistance were referred to the appropriate department for help, such as the Financial Aid Office to work through the financial aid application process or Student Services to discuss community resources and other supports available.

July 2021

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSSA) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) Acts, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges additional funds were awarded for Student Emergency Assistance. Hawkeye will receive $884,524 from CRRSSA and $4,148,936 from ARP under the HEERF student portion. The College intends to use the funds to provide at least the mandated minimum $5,033,460 in relief funds for emergency financial aid grants to students. Of those funds, $1,189,893.86 has been distributed to 1,560 students as of June 30, 2021. An estimated 10,276 students at Hawkeye were potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants during this period. Grants were awarded to students requesting assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System. Initial awards provided in response to student requests for assistance were capped at $1,500 per student, per semester. Potentially eligible students received an email and text message advising them of HEERF Emergency Assistance grant funds and additional guidance was placed on the College website with an application form. In addition, students were able to request emergency assistance for internet service through an application form posted on the College website with awards of $250 per student, which aligned with funds available from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund. HEERF grant funds were used for this purpose when the GEER funds ran out. To reach students most in need of assistance, Hawkeye identified students who were eligible for but did not receive Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) awards due to an insufficient Federal allocation. Additional funds were used to support students through the Gap Tuition Assistance and Pathway for Academic, Career, and Employment (PACE) programs when the state funds were insufficient to meet the local need. Students were identified for Gap and PACE support using the same eligibility guidelines specified in the Iowa code for these programs.

Final Student Portion Report: August 13, 2020

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the CARES Act, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges the certification and agreement form was signed and returned and that Hawkeye used the funds to provide the mandated amount of at least 50% of the relief funds in emergency financial aid grants to students. Hawkeye will receive a total of $884,524 under the HEERF student portion. Of those funds, $884,524 has been distributed to 905 students as of July 16, 2020. An estimated 2,227 students at Hawkeye were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and therefore potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants. Grants were awarded to students requesting assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System and providing additional guidance for students who still needed to complete steps to be eligible, such as FAFSA completion. Eligible students withdrawing from courses after moving courses to exclusively online instruction were awarded funds equal to the cost of those course credits. An additional stipend of $250 was awarded to each eligible student who had incomplete courses for the spring semester and had to return to campus to complete the hands-on instruction required for their courses during the summer semester. Initial awards provided in response to student requests for assistance were capped at $1,500 per student. Potentially eligible students received an email advising them of CARES Act grant funds and additional guidance was placed on the College website with an application form. The College website header advised students: COVID-19 Emergency Funds are available to Hawkeye students affected by the disruption of campus operations. Learn more and apply today to see if you qualify! Students needing additional assistance such as working through the financial aid application process were referred to the Financial Aid Office.

July 1, 2020

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the CARES Act, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges the certification and agreement form was signed and returned and that Hawkeye intends to use the funds to provide the mandated amount of at least 50% of the relief funds in emergency financial aid grants to students. Hawkeye received a total of $884,524 under the HEERF student portion. Of those funds, $870,587.50 has been distributed to 904 students as of July 1, 2020. An estimated 2,000 students at Hawkeye are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and are therefore potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants. Grants were awarded to students requesting assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System and providing additional guidance for students who still needed to complete steps to be eligible, such as FAFSA completion. Eligible students withdrawing from courses after moving courses to exclusively online instruction were awarded funds equal to the tuition and fees related to those course credits. Students who returned to campus to complete the lab portion of their Spring 2020 courses during the summer term were each awarded a $250 stipend. Initial awards provided in response to student requests for assistance were capped at $1,500 per student. Potentially eligible students received an email advising them of CARES Act grant funds and additional guidance was placed on the College website with an application form. The College website header advises students: COVID-19 Emergency Funds are available to Hawkeye students affected by the disruption of campus operations. Learn more and apply today to see if you qualify! Students needing additional assistance such as working through the financial aid application process were referred to the Financial Aid Office.

May 20, 2020

In compliance with the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) requirements under the CARES Act, Hawkeye Community College acknowledges the certification and agreement form was signed and returned and that Hawkeye intends to use the funds to provide the mandated amount of at least 50% of the relief funds in emergency financial aid grants to students. Hawkeye will receive a total of $884,524 under the HEERF student portion. Of those funds, $511,904.50 has been distributed to 479 students as of May 20, 2020. An estimated 2,000 students at Hawkeye are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and therefore potentially eligible to receive one of the emergency financial aid grants. Grants were awarded to students requesting assistance on a first-come, first-served basis with students completing a form certifying their related expenses. Hawkeye then verified each student was eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant using its Student Information System and providing additional guidance for students who still needed to complete steps to be eligible, such as FAFSA completion. Eligible students withdrawing from courses after moving courses to exclusively online instruction were awarded funds equal to the cost of those course credits. Initial awards provided in response to student requests for assistance were capped at $1,500 per student. Potentially eligible students received an email advising them of CARES Act grant funds and additional guidance was placed on the College website with an application form. The College website header advises students: COVID-19 Emergency Funds are available to Hawkeye students affected by the disruption of campus operations. Learn more and apply today to see if you qualify! Students needing additional assistance such as working through the financial aid application process are referred to the Financial Aid Office.

Contact Information

Grants and Resource Development


Constance Grimm
Hawkeye Center 224
Email Constance Grimm

Grants Coordinator

Grace Fee
Hawkeye Center 224
Email Grace Fee

Grants Specialist

Carrie Peiffer
Hawkeye Center 224
Email Carrie Peiffer

Administrative Assistant

Lisa Remetch
Hawkeye Center 224
Email Lisa Remetch

The Grants department does not offer grants or scholarships directly to students. Students should contact the Financial Aid office to inquire about grants and scholarships.

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