Program Details
Award |
Associate of Applied Science (AAS) |
Credits |
65 |
Enrollment |
Full-time |
Program Start |
Spring |
2024–2025 Suggested Sequence of Study
The following suggested sequence of study is for new full-time students starting the program Spring 2025.
When registering for classes refer to Self-Service > Student Planning to view your specific program requirements, your progress, and ensure proper registration. See Registering for Credit Classes for registration information and instructions.
Course has a prerequisite and/or corequisite. |
4WK4 | Course meets the last 4 weeks of the term. |
12WK1 | Course meets the first 12 weeks of the term. |
Pre-Program Coursework
A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher must be achieved for Term 0 coursework.
You are not eligible for the Iowa Vocational Technical Tuition Grant while taking prerequisite courses.
See Admissions Requirements for more information.
Course Descriptions: Show All | Hide All
Term 0 — Prerequisites * |
BIO-168 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Minimum B- grade required.
4 credits |
$900.00 |
The first of a two-semester sequence especially designed for students pursuing careers in allied health fields as well as any student desiring an in-depth undergraduate transfer course. The course focuses on the interdependent relationships between the structure and functions of body systems and the ways these parts interact (homeostasis) to insure the survival of the organism. Major topics addressed include levels of organization, the chemistry of life, support/movement, integration/control, and coordination. Coordinated laboratory exercises focus on anatomical knowledge and physiological functions.
Lecture Hours: 48
Lab Hours: 32
ENG-105 |
Composition I
3 credits |
$675.00 |
or |
Composition I emphasizes fluency, thesis-driven organization, the use of supporting details, and research techniques. Writing is approached as a recursive process that includes prewriting strategies, drafting, revising, and editing. The course helps students shape writing to serve readers' needs and define a sense of purpose in their writing. It also gives students strategies for reading college-level material.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement score or equivalent.
SPC-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Minimum C- grade required. |
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course introduces students to the oral communication process and how it affects human interaction There will be an emphasis on developing interpersonal, small group, and public speaking skills. Students will be involved in activities that provide opportunity for the understanding and improvement of their oral communication skills.
Lecture Hours: 48
HSC-113 |
Medical Terminology
Minimum C- grade required.
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course presents the foundation necessary to develop a basic medical terminology vocabulary. Emphasis on the components of terms as related to each body system will be provided. The course further provides the student with the opportunity to properly spell, pronounce and utilize medical terms in relation to pathological conditions, tests, and procedures. Common medical abbreviations will also be discussed for each system.
Lecture Hours: 32
PSY-111 |
Introduction to Psychology
3 credits |
$675.00 |
or |
This course provides an introduction to the study of behavior and mental processes with emphasis in such areas as learning, cognition, motivation, personality, behavioral disorder, therapy, and social influence. An understanding of the impact of both theoretical perspectives and experimental evidence on the formulation of the science of human behavior is also stressed. Psychological theories and principles are utilized to explain and predict behavior.
Lecture Hours: 48
PSY-121 |
Developmental Psychology
Minimum C- grade required. |
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course presents a life span, developmental approach to the study of the developing person that identifies the behavioral dynamics of the physical, cognitive, social and affective domains of development with a view to the impact of family, school and community.
Lecture Hours: 48
Total Credits: 12
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$2,700.00 |
Technical Program Coursework
Physical Therapist Assistant program technical coursework, Term 1, begins each Spring.
Terms 1–5 require students to be on campus or in an assigned clinical site on a full-time basis.
The program has a dress code for both on-campus coursework and clinical education.
Prior to entering an assigned clinical site, the student must:
Have a physical examination with updated immunizations recorded on the Hawkeye Community College form. The form and instructions will be provided to all eligible students during the in-program orientation.
Pass a criminal background, sex offender, and adult/dependent abuse background checks. Instructions will be provided during program orientation. Failing a background check will result in dismissal from the program.
Complete Mandatory Reporting, Workplace Safety training, and HIPAA training. This training is part of the HSC-108 Introduction to Healthcare Professions course.
Basic Life Support CPR level is also required and can be obtained through the Hawkeye Community College Business and Community Services department.
All of these opportunities can be coordinated through communication with the Physical Therapist Assistant program director.
Students must achieve a minimum grade of C or higher in all program coursework.
You may only fail one program course; failing more than one course will be grounds for dismissal from the program.
Clinical experiences are completed off-campus. Sites may be local, in-state, or out-of-state. You are responsible for transportation to and from clinicals, as well as any associated housing costs. You will not be allowed to select specific clinical sites, but may make requests for special needs or geographical locations.
Term 1 — Spring |
BIO-173 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Minimum B- grade required.
4 credits |
$900.00 |
The second of a two-semester sequence designed for students pursuing careers in allied health fields or wishing an in-depth undergraduate transfer course in the biological sciences. The course focuses on interdependent relationships between the structures and functions of body systems and the way these parts interact (homeostasis) to insure survival of the organism. Major topics addressed include systems associated with circulation, maintenance, elimination and continuity. Coordinated laboratory exercises focus on anatomical knowledge and physiological functions.
Lecture Hours: 48
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in BIO-168.
PTA-101 |
Introduction to PTA
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course provides an introduction to the role of a physical therapist assistant in the health care delivery system. History and organization of the physical therapy profession, standards of practice, laws and regulations, the interdisciplinary health care team, ethics, and accessing research/health care literature will be covered.
Lecture Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in BIO-168. Minimum grade of C- in HSC-113. Minimum grade of C- in PSY-111 or PSY-121. Minimum grade of C- in SPC-101 or ENG-105.
PTA-120 |
3 credits |
$1026.00 |
This course will present advanced anatomy of the musculoskeletal system with emphasis on joint mechanics, human movement, and palpation of anatomical landmarks. The student will learn the principles of normal and abnormal gait.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in HSC-113. Minimum grade of B- in BIO-168. Minimum grade of C- in ENG-105 or SPC-101. Minimum grade of C- in PSY-111 or PSY-121.
PTA-150 |
3 credits |
$675.00 |
Describes the etiology, signs, symptoms, and treatment of diseases and disorders commonly encountered in physical therapy.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in BIO-168. Minimum grade of C- in HSC-113. Minimum grade of C- in ENG-105 or SPC-101. Minimum grade of C- in PSY-111 or PSY-121.
Total Credits: 12
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$3,051.00 |
Remaining course fees after the Last-Dollar Scholarship is applied: |
$351.00 |
Term 2 — Summer * |
PTA-111 |
PTA Fundamentals
4 credits |
$1290.00 |
This course presents a current and historical perspective on the role of the PTA within the health care team. Activities will introduce posture, body mechanics, and gait analysis, along with positioning and transfer techniques. Concepts of documentation, manual muscle testing, and range of motion assessment are taught.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in BIO-173. Minimum grade of C in PTA-101 and PTA-150 and PTA-120.
PTA-202 |
Cardiopulmonary and Integumentary Rehab
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course is an introduction to PTA treatment of disorders of the cardiopulmonary, lymphatic, vascular and integumentary systems including wounds and burns. Course content will include diseases and conditions that impact these systems, common tests and measures for these patient populations and pharmacological and non-pharmacological management including physical therapy management of these conditions.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in BIO-173 and PTA-101. Minimum grade of C in PTA-120 and PTA-150.
PTA-310 |
PTA Clinical I
1 credits |
$434.00 |
The course will allow for observation and application of physical therapy interventions and elemental principles of patient care to uncomplicated patients under direct supervision and discretion of the Clinical Instructor. The experience will occur at the end of the summer term, including on-site clinical experience in local settings. This course ensures the student maintains all required health care certifications and documentation.
Co-op Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-101, and PTA-120, and PTA-150. Minimum grade of B- in BIO-173.
Total Credits: 7
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$2,174.00 |
Remaining course fees after the Last-Dollar Scholarship is applied: |
$599.00 |
* Term 2 — Summer requires students to be on campus two mornings per week.
Term 3 — Fall |
PTA-194 |
Therapeutic Agents I
3 credits |
$705.00 |
Introduction to the use of physical modalities for patient treatment. The principles of inflammation, cell repair, pain, and pain management will be introduced. The student will learn the physics, physiology, indications, contraindications, application, and patient preparation for the use of heat, cold, ultrasound, massage, vasocompression, wound care, hydrotherapy, and phonophoresis.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-202 and PTA-111. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
PTA-211 |
Musculoskeletal I
3 credits |
$682.00 |
This course will present the principles of tissue development, healing and response to physical therapy treatments. Common cervical spine and upper extremity orthopedic diagnosis, physical therapy interventions, and post-operative and injury care protocols will be discussed.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-202 and PTA-111. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
PTA-233 |
Therapeutic Exercise
4 credits |
$900.00 |
Introduce the principles of exercise physiology, exercise selection, and progression to improve joint function, aerobic endurance, and muscle performance for patients throughout the lifespan. Provides application of course concepts and clinical problem solving during patient assessment and intervention application for a variety of general medical conditions. Lab will include therapeutic exercise instruction, clinical reasoning, and patient/client education through role play or patient case simulation.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-202 and PTA-111. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
PTA-242 |
Adult Neurology
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course presents information on nervous system anatomy, function and normal/abnormal development; therapeutic approaches to central nervous system and peripheral nervous system dysfunctions involving the adult neurologically impaired patient.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-111 and PTA-202. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
PTA-350 |
PTA Clinical II
2 credits |
$579.00 |
This course consists of clinical experiences occurring at the end of the semester. The students will have the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge developed in previous course work per the discretion of the Clinical Instructor.
Co-op Hours: 128
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-211, and PTA-194, and PTA-242, and PTA-233.
Total Credits: 14
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$3,316.00 |
Remaining course fees after the Last-Dollar Scholarship is applied: |
$166.00 |
Term 4 — Spring |
PTA-113 |
Fundamentals for PTA II
3 credits |
$750.00 |
Introduction to physical disabilities and community barriers, independent activities of daily living, prosthetics, orthotics, static/dynamic splints, casts, braces, relaxation training, cardio-pulmonary function, airway clearance techniques, breathing exercises, functional assessment, functional exercise, balance assessment, and balance training.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-194, and PTA-211, and PTA-233, and PTA-242. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-350.
PTA-195 |
Therapeutic Agents II
3 credits |
$722.00 |
This course continues with the study of the physics, physiology, indications, contraindications, and patient preparation for the use of modalities. Focus will be on electrical modalities including iontophoresis, biofeedback, transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS), neuromuscular electrical stimulation, high volt, interferential, and microcurrent. The course will also include mechanical traction, continuous passive motion, and laser.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-194, and PTA-211, and PTA-233, and PTA-242. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-350.
PTA-212 |
Musculoskeletal II
3 credits |
$725.00 |
This course will present common lower extremity and thoracolumbar spine orthopedic diagnosis and physical therapy interventions. Post-operative and injury care protocols will be discussed.
Lecture Hours: 32
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-194, and PTA-211, and PTA-233, and PTA-242, and PTA-350.
PTA-243 |
Pediatric Neurology
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course presents information on nervous system anatomy, function and normal/abnormal development of the pediatric patient; therapeutic approaches to central nervous system dysfunction throughout the life cycle; and assessment of the pediatric neurologic impaired patient.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-242, and PTA-194, and PTA-211, and PTA-233. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-310.
PTA-400 |
PTA Clinical III
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course consists of clinical experiences occurring at the end of the semester. The students will have the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge developed in previous course work per the discretion of the Clinical Instructor.
Co-op Hours: 128
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-350.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-195, and PTA-212, and PTA-113, and PTA-243.
Total Credits: 13
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$3,097.00 |
Remaining course fees after the Last-Dollar Scholarship is applied: |
$172.00 |
Term 5 — Summer |
PTA-284 |
PTA Professional Issues
2 credits |
$550.00 |
This course covers topics relevant to the professional development and communication. Topics include history of the physical therapy profession, cultural competence, learning and communications styles, ethical and legal aspects of care, structure and function of institutions, wellness, reimbursement systems and special topics in healthcare. Employment topics including resume writing, interviewing, performance appraisal and work/life issues will be covered. The course also introduces research literacy as it relates to evidence based practice.
Lecture Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-113, and PTA-212, and PTA-195, and PTA-243. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-400.
PTA-450 |
PTA Clinical IV
5 credits |
$1409.00 |
This course consists of a full-time clinical rotation at one clinical site. The student will continue to apply skills and knowledge obtained from all previous coursework and clinical experiences. Clinical competencies must be completed by the end of this rotation. An oral presentation will be presented to the clinical staff. Location of clinical sites may require travel away from the local region, including out-of-state.
Co-op Hours: 320
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C in PTA-113, and PTA-212, and PTA-195, and PTA-243. Minimum grade of Pass in PTA-400.
Total Credits: 7
Total Tuition + Course Fees: |
$1,959.00 |
Remaining course fees after the Last-Dollar Scholarship is applied: |
$384.00 |